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Please send Prayer Requests to prq@shcoc.com
(Recent Praises and answered prayers in Red)

Prayer Requests
"Pray Without Ceasing" 1 Thessalonians 5:17

  The St Helens Congregation as Deacons (& later Elders) are appointed

  Shaun S. - His Dad Ed, had heart attack recently

  Maddie L. - Taking with Pam and Don about Salvation

  Barbara - Health (Meds and recent ER Visit)

  Lindsay - Traveling

  Jesse's and Bissell's - Traveling soon

  Jeff G. - Waiting for Surgery on broken leg

  Camden H. - Newly baptized

  Chris - Going in for MRI

  Dan France - Recovering from Surgery

  Smith Family - Grieving

  Bob and Opal - Recovering from COVID

  Dave Miller - Health

  Larry and Deanna's son in law James - Open Heart Surgery on 06/24 and recovering

  David Antillon - On Hospice

  Mike Stanton (husband of Vicki's coworker) - Cancer

  Matt and Family - Grieving

  Sherry Knowlton - Health

  Judy Parmlee - Health

  Baby Evie - Surgery coming up

  Matt - Encouragement as there's a lot going on right now

  Howard - Health

  Jenny Groff - On Hospice

  Churches in Pakistan 

  Kari Taylor - Health

  The Country's Leadership

  The State of our Country in general

  Christians in other countries - Facing serious persecution

  Missionaries across the world